Pregnant Mothers
Children 0-3 years of age
Families that are available for weekly sessions with a home educator
Early Head Start Center-Based
Children ages 18 months to 3 years
Families interested in 7- hour classroom day, 11 months per year (September through July)
Head Start
Children 3 or 4 years old before 10/1 of school year
Families interested in a full day preschool program
Partnership pre-k slots may be available for children residing in Dover, Morristown, Wharton and Mine Hill
Subsidy Funded Preschool Program
Children 3-5 years of age
Families that qualify for NJ’s Child Care Assistance Program*
Families interested in full day preschool
*Our office will assist you in reviewing your eligibility
Who Is Eligible for Our Free Services?
Income - Families living in Morris County with incomes at or below federal poverty level https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines
Families receiving public assistance (TANF, SSI, SNAP)
Families who are homeless or “doubled up” or living in temporary housing
Children in foster care
Children receiving preschool special educational services or Early Intervention (with an IEP or IFSP)
Other special circumstances (can be discussed during our confidential application process)
How Do I Apply?
Complete the online application below, or download form and bring to Head Start
A member of our trained staff will conduct an application interview with you and request your documentation to verify information
All applicants must submit proof of child’s age, vaccines, proof of income or public assistance, proof of residency, and/or documentation of any other special circumstances
Once all documents are received you will receive a letter stating your application status (Accepted or Waitlisted)